Sunday, April 18, 2010

Schnack Catering

Please call about Schnack Catering, perfect for all events year round. We do love to be outside cooking at your spring, summer and fall events.

You can call me right now..

Friday, April 16, 2010

NYC Food Film Festival

Our first big PR hit came today with this post to Grub street..

Our food truck drive in movie... the admission and the movies are free but you need to buy the food from the vendors if you want to eat.

Get tickets while they last..

Beer Shakes and Milk Shakes

I've just confirmed that I will be teaching a Beer Shake and Milk Shake class at The Brooklyn Kitchen June 14th.

Call or email them for details

Beer Shakes and Milk Shakes

I've just confirmed that I will be teaching a Beer Shake and Milk Shake class at The Brooklyn Kitchen June 14th.

Call or email them for details